Privacy Policy

Our Commitment
We highly value your privacy and are committed to maintaining and safeguarding your personal information. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us when using our application (referred to as the "App"). Please carefully read the following policy to understand how we collect, use, and protect your information.

Data Handling
Data Storage: We promise not to upload any of your photos, videos, or other personal data to external servers. All data is processed and stored offline on your device.
History Re
cords: All historical records are stored solely on your device. If you choose to delete our App, all previous historical records will be permanently removed.

Your Control
You have complete control and can access and modify the privacy settings of the App at any time. You can manage the App's access permissions, including camera, microphone, and photo library, in your device's privacy settings.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We commit to complying with applicable privacy laws and regulations, including GDPR and CCPA, among others. We will make every effort to protect your personal information and implement security measures to ensure its safety.

Policy Updates
We reserve the right to update our privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in legal regulations and business needs. We recommend checking this policy periodically to stay informed about the latest privacy information.
Thank you for trusting and using our application. We are dedicated to ensuring that your privacy is fully respected and protected.